Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new Ultimate Opportunity savings account
- Deposit $100/month for 12 consecutive months
- Balance of $1,200 by month 12
- Nationwide
- Can’t have had an account in the past 180 days
- Ultimate Opportunity savings is fee free
Account Closure
- No rule listed
- Yes
Valid through: 12/31/24

This is an easy one that can be automated. At the time of writing the savings account has 3.10% APY.
Data Point:
2/1/23 – Signed up and deposited $100 each month (on or after the 1st)
1/15/24 – Received $100 bonus
Notes: I also received the FASTPASS bonus from last year this January…they reviewed my activities and gave me that too. As far as the Suze Orman account goes, it’s not a great APR, but they did pay out quickly. Its a good way to save money over a year and at the end, you have just over $1300 to show for it. They say you can remove money as well so long as there is $1200 total at the end of the year…I just left it alone so I didn’t cause any issues.