Written by: RJ
American Express has updated the intro offer rules in the cash back lineup.
You may not be eligible to receive the welcome offer, intro APRs, and intro plan fees if you have or have had this Card, the Morgan Stanley Blue Cash Preferred® American Express Card, or previous versions of these Cards.
You may not be eligible to receive the welcome offer, intro APRs, and intro plan fees if you have or have had this Card, the Cash Magnet®Card, the Blue Cash Preferred® Card, the Morgan Stanley Blue Cash Preferred® American Express Card or previous versions of this Card.
You may not be eligible to receive the welcome offer, intro APRs, and intro plan fees if you have or have had this Card or previous versions of this Card.
Cash Magnet

I don’t recall seeing these rules before. Nothing surprises me at this point when it comes to additional restrictions.
Are the Blue Cash dual categorizes combined caps or is it as I read it separate capes between the categories?
At least of the Grocery category there are 5% with no annual fee on up-to $10,000 spend on other cards. Same deal though with a lower cap of $7,000 spend a year on gas too.
Amex offers can be good but everything else is kind of meh at best. Sign up bonuses to get them are twice to four times the amount of spend for the same rebate.