Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Sign up and be approved for a Bill account
- There’s mention of a demo but I don’t know anyone who’s done one yet
- Bonus paid as your choice of gift card
- Nationwide
- None that I can tell
Account Closure
- No rule listed
- N/A
Valid through: No end date listed
- We’ve covered these guys before back when it was Divvy. At the time they were looking for business documentation. They didn’t ask everyone but they did ask me when I applied.
- You basically get a credit card and access to the Bill expense tracking site. My card never reported to personal credit under Divvy

It’s an odd one but an easy one for those who can get in. Highest I’ve seen was $500 for $500 in spend on the card. Again, that was under the Divvy name.
Is this a hard pull? I’ve tried to apply but looks like they tried to access my Experian score. I usually freeze my credit until I apply for something so they wasn’t able to pull it
When I joined about a year ago, they didn’t do a hard pull.