Offer Details
Written by: RJ
- Open a new Life Green checking account
- Direct deposit $1k within 90 days of account opening
- Enroll in online banking
- Bonus posts within 60 days of completion
- AL, AR, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX
- Can’t have had a checking account since 1/1/24
- Life Green checking – $8 monthly fee is avoidable with:
- $500 monthly direct deposit
- E-statements
Account Closure
- Keep account open 6 months
- No
Valid through: 7/1/25

Not the highest offer we’ve seen but still easy enough. There’s also a $50 referral component to this that is stackable. I don’t know anyone with a link, but if you can find one the extra $50 helps.
I tried for this offer, but was declined on the website while opening the account. I contacted a banker and she said she could escalate a ticket for me to get it added. They called me back the next day and said that this is a TARGETED offer, and I am NOT eligible since I couldn’t provide an email screenshot, text, mail in, etc; there was nothing on their end attached to any personally identifying information of mine.
He respectfully told me he couldn’t honor this, and I’m only eligible for the $50 referral bonus. I live about 3 minutes from a Regions branch. Polite staff, unfortunate policy.
Ah that’s a tough break. I do see it in the terms now. Not sure if that was my drop or they added it in later. I’ll owe you one either way